
Haunted City

Narrator 1: Once there was a town called England and it was cursed by evil spirits.  *100 years later* Madame Francis: Hello Dante, very nice day isn't it. Dante: Oh very. Narrator Two: Then an invitation came.  *suspicious music* Narrator 1: While those two talked something suspicious was going on. The town kids each got an invitation. It read: come to town hall at midnight. What awaits will be a fright but if you don't come beware of the bad luck you might are warned. Kid 1: We're not going to believe this are we? Kid 2: No!  Kid 3: But bad luck will come.  Kid 1: Okay it is settled. We will go... Narrator 1: The kids were so excited. School could not end soon enough. Soon it was midnight and they were at the town hall door.  Kid #3: You do it. Kid #1: You do it.  Kid #2: Okay *creeeeeek* Ghoul: Welcome to town hall.  Kids: wow!  Ghoul: I'll have you cleaned up in no time, thank you.  *silence* Kids: Thank you so much but we must go home.  THE E

one path


Food Prodigy

  Once a universe that had four worlds. The worlds were Fruit Land, Veggie Kingdom, Grain Town, and Protein Palace. But there were four more worlds: Dairy Kingdom, Coca Cola Kingdom, Meat Kingdom, and Candy Kingdom. The four rulers that were working together to destroy the fruit, veggie, and grains were the Queen of all meats and sausages, the Queen of Dairy, the Queen of all Drinks, Coca Cola, and The Queen of all Candies, Queen Cupcake. They wanted to destroy the lands. It was bad. So the Veggie Kingdom sent Ella, who liked cucumbers, to the rescue. The Fruit Kingdom sent Mary, who liked blueberries. The Protein Kingdom sent Lily, who liked black-eyed peas. Last but not least, Grain Town sent Diana, who liked rice. They tried to destroy monsters on the way, but some of them were too bad. They got powerups and other stuff on the way. Finally, they came to the TOWER OF DARK FOOD SOURCES. When they got there, right away a girl got shot by the icecream man who delivered icecream to the K

The Day Before New Year's


The Acorn's School

Once upon time there was an acorn. She was 6 and she was going to her first kindergarten class. And when she went there which was a bus she took that was a tree, and it was underground so it was kind of hard to move. When the acorn got there she was a little bit scared because she didn't know anyone. Then the bell rang. It was time to go in. When she went in people were being mean to her because she was only 6 and people were, 9, 10, 7, and 8 and she had nowhere to go that wouldn't have bullyers. So she went on. Finally she went to her class, which was 987, and the class name was The Cats. When she got in, her teacher Mrs. Fruitcake greeted her and said "go to your seat and you can decorate your name tag." Once she got there people were staring at her. She was a little bit nervous. Then Mrs. Fruitcake said "this is our new classmate. Everyone say hello to Rosie." Rosie got a hello from Violet. Violet was a worm. Everybody was a worm, except for Rosie. But th

The Sweet Monster

  The Sweet Monster Once upon a time there was a sweet monster. "hi" She went to sweet monster elementary.  She had lots of friends! But one was so mean. "I hate you" But she ignored it. "hmpf!" The end.

Annie the Alien

  Annie the Alien Illustrator: "Lily Lockwood" Author: "Lily Lockwood" *************************************** One morning Annie was walking to school.  When she came across some bullies, she did not like it. And when saw it she fought it. "Hey stop bullying!" But She came home crying.  Then her parents saw her and they talked to her.  And there was no more bullying. About the author and illustrator: She loves books and has a pet.