
Showing posts from May, 2023

Miss Banana

 Once upon a time, there was a girl named Miss Banana. She was doing chores when she got a text message.  She gasped! There was a ball and she was invited. When she went into her ballroom dresser there was so many dresses to pick she didn't know which one to pick. Finally she picked out one.  At the ball she found the perfect boy to dance with. It was Apple. She said, "I love you Apple." Then she said, "Kiss me Apple."  They had a wedding and lived happily every after. The end.

The Cat that Dreamed to Go to the Human World

Once upon a time, there was a cat that dreamed to go to human world. Even though he was in the human world the cat did not know about the human world so he decided to explore a bit to see what was in the human world. His first stop was the bakery. When he went inside he saw a note on the door that said "no cats allowed" so he was sneaky just to get away from the baker. He climbed up on the shelf when he saw a cake that was very, very pretty and it looked so yummy that he jumped onto the other shelf. And the jars on the shelves started to shake and the baker looked all around so the cat jumped off of the baker's cake and then sprinted out the door.  His second stop was the jewelry store. Once inside there was a sign that also said "no cats allowed" so he snuck in again and he saw some really pretty jewels and he also saw they got stolen in a flash. Finally he saw the most prettiest diamond of all and he jumped onto the diamond. All the other jewelry started to sh