
Showing posts from October, 2024

Haunted City

Narrator 1: Once there was a town called England and it was cursed by evil spirits.  *100 years later* Madame Francis: Hello Dante, very nice day isn't it. Dante: Oh very. Narrator Two: Then an invitation came.  *suspicious music* Narrator 1: While those two talked something suspicious was going on. The town kids each got an invitation. It read: come to town hall at midnight. What awaits will be a fright but if you don't come beware of the bad luck you might are warned. Kid 1: We're not going to believe this are we? Kid 2: No!  Kid 3: But bad luck will come.  Kid 1: Okay it is settled. We will go... Narrator 1: The kids were so excited. School could not end soon enough. Soon it was midnight and they were at the town hall door.  Kid #3: You do it. Kid #1: You do it.  Kid #2: Okay *creeeeeek* Ghoul: Welcome to town hall.  Kids: wow!  Ghoul: I'll have you cleaned up in no time, thank you.  *silence* Kids: Thank you so much but we must go home.  THE E