
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Water Princess

 Once upon a time, there was a Water Queen and she had one daughter.  She called her Sophia but for her real name everyone called her was Water Princess. But the princess had lots of friends. One was the snow owl, one was the hare, one was the walrus, and her best best friend the penguin. They all spent time together playing on the playground. One day the Water Princess woke up and found herself in a water castle. She thought for a moment: "who has made this water castle with me in it?" Then she knew just who to ask, her mother, the Water Queen. When she asked her mother her mother said: "I've done it, so we could sleep in a shelter." The Water Princess was really happy but she said "how will I get out of here without breaking it and breaking my body? I need to go to the park and play with my friends." The Water Queen said "I know how. I made you invisible pills so when you take one of those pills you turn invisible so you can walk through the wat

Super Caterpillar and the Leaf Villain

  Once upon a time, there was a super caterpillar. In the morning he was just a normal caterpillar but at night he was a super caterpillar. One day when Super Caterpillar was at school he heard his alarm on his watch go off. He looked at his watch. The mayor called: "Super Caterpillar, we need your help!" Then Super Caterpillar jumped into his secret lair. When he looked at his super computer it told him what the bad guy was. Super Caterpillar gasped and cried, "It is Leaf Villain!" Super Caterpillar jumped into action! Leaf Villain was ginormous when he got to the city.  He was crushing everything. Super Caterpillar ran to the rescue. He said, "Leaf Villain, I will be trapping you in this rope! I am here to save everyone and not hurt them!" But Leaf Villain said, "no no I will destroy the world so the whole entire world will be MIIIINNNE!" But Super Caterpillar said, "I will not leave the whole entire city alone!" But that Leaf Villain

The Vacation to Hawaii

Once upon a time, there was a family and they were going to Hawaii. Their house was on Belmont Street so it was very far away. So they had to give their kids a lot of toys when they were driving in the car. The brother saw a great big gas station and he said "Can we go into the dinosaur gas station?" and the mother said "No we are going to Hawaii. That will take us forever to get to Hawaii if we go into the dinosaur gas station." "Ouhhhuhhhhh," said the children. "Will you just let us get one dinosaur lollipop?" so the mom sighed and said "yes" and the children said "yay!" so they ran into the dinosaur gas station and they bought one dinosaur lollipop for each and they were back on the road again. And then the children were already fast asleep but then they stopped to look at a palm tree.  Then the mom woke the children up because they were at Hawaii so the mom said "get up! get up, children! We are at Hawaii!" The c