Super Caterpillar and the Leaf Villain


Once upon a time, there was a super caterpillar. In the morning he was just a normal caterpillar but at night he was a super caterpillar. One day when Super Caterpillar was at school he heard his alarm on his watch go off. He looked at his watch. The mayor called: "Super Caterpillar, we need your help!" Then Super Caterpillar jumped into his secret lair.

When he looked at his super computer it told him what the bad guy was. Super Caterpillar gasped and cried, "It is Leaf Villain!" Super Caterpillar jumped into action! Leaf Villain was ginormous when he got to the city. 

He was crushing everything. Super Caterpillar ran to the rescue. He said, "Leaf Villain, I will be trapping you in this rope! I am here to save everyone and not hurt them!" But Leaf Villain said, "no no I will destroy the world so the whole entire world will be MIIIINNNE!" But Super Caterpillar said, "I will not leave the whole entire city alone!" But that Leaf Villain just said, "Noooo I will be taking all this treasure so it can be MIIIINEEEE and the whole wide world will bow to me! Ha ha ha!" 

So he just walked away, crushing everything and looking for treasure. But Super Caterpillar would never ever let the city be destroyed. "Commme back hereeeee!" said Super Caterpillar. So he chased after Leaf Villain. After he got there he tied up Leaf Villain but Leaf Villain's arms were too strong so he broke through the ropes. 

When Super Caterpillar was all ready to go and chase him he used he super fast speed and went to the bakery. He made the stickiest, stickiest dough in the whole entire world and after that he stringed it up and then he chased after Leaf Villain and he stringed it up into his body and Leaf Villain was stuck. "I want to come out!" said Leaf Villain. "No!" said Super Caterpillar. "You will not be destroying the city anymore!" Then Super Caterpillar threw Leaf Villain into outer space and then the city was never destroyed one more bit and they lived happily ever after. The end. 


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