The Two Brave Pirates

 Once upon a time, there were two brave pirates named Walleye and Rilen The Kunzrs. They were just kids when they went to the beach and when they got there they were playing in the sand when they saw a bottle wash up on the shore with a pirate map in it. So they decided to go to an alley that was spooky with no people and open the bottle. 


Then when they opened the bottle they unraveled the map and then they read the map and it said "if you want to get my treasure you have to have a boat! To get the boat you need to tap the monster on the bottom twice to get the boat to appear. It will be invisible so you have to look for the water and then you will see the boat. It will take you to a dark and creepy Water Land where there's lightning and thunder and waves and you have to be careful because there is a monster." 

So the brave pirates decided to go. They got the sails ready to sail off to the far away treasure. So their boss had a funny name which was Bones Bottom and the boss named the sails The Kunzsrs.

Then they saw the island but there was a trap! The map didn't say that! So the pirates climbed and they went over a rock that looked like the treasure and then SNAP! The rock was a trap! It had a net. Then a greedy pirate named One-Eyed Scallywag grabbed them and Rilen said "let go of us you scurvy dog!!!" "Arghhhhhh no!" said One-Eyed Scallywag. Then Walleye bited One-Eyed Scallywag's hand and he dropped them. "Yes!" they said. Then they saw One-Eyed Scallywag and he grabbed them and said "Arghhhh tell me where the treasure is you scallywags!" The map said there was one more trap and it was on the other side of the palm tree in a castle so that's where they told him to dig. "ARGHHHH! You tricked me!" 

Then Rilen digged for the treasure by the shell where they found it and then they lived happily ever after. The end.


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