The Story of the Present Monster 2: Sherbert's Dream

 Once upon a time, there was a dog named Sherbert. She was sleeping in her bed dreaming about a present monster. The present monster was destroying a shop. It was full of really really cool artwork which was also models of pretty stuff. It was so cool that the monster wanted to destroy stuff because he didn't like cool stuff. So the monster did. Then he went another shop. It was a jewelry shop. When they were making jewelry the present monster destroyed every piece. Then the present monster went to a hockey game and there was jewelry there, full of really pretty necklace stuff and the best gems, gold, and hockey pucks. It was the big thing ever so the monster also destroyed it. When it was finished being destroyed the present monster looked for some new stuff to destroy. When he opened a door to a room he found hockey players and they were playing hockey, so he destroyed the ice and he destroyed their hockey gear, so the monster was very happy. 

When Sherbert was dreaming Sherbert was very scared. She thought that it was real. 

Back in the dream the present monster wanted to destroy artwork and things so he did. He destroyed paper artwork. He destroyed a school. He destroyed a house. It was just too much for the monster to destroy so he destroyed a wedding. He destroyed a restaurant. And he also destroyed the most goodest birthday party ever. When he was done destroying he came upon a stinky mountain of socks. Sock Mountain it was called. The mountain was full of socks and they were very stinky. It was also very sticky, so the monster trudged to it and he destroyed it, but when he stepped on one of the socks he pulled his foot up and it stuck to one of the socks and then it became really hard for the present monster to get out. 

Then Sherbert woke up. It was the morning and she felt very very scared. So she went to her parents' room and they told her it was not a real dream, so they ate breakfast, put on their coats and shoes, and they headed to school. And they lived happily ever after. The end.


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